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2013-04-30 18:14 来源:范文站 人气(0) 范文站fanwenzhan.comRSS订阅 

  A.the pilot was beside the burning plane, unconscious

  B.the passenger was on the ground, dead

  C.the female passenger was bleeding heavily

  D.the entire plane caught fire and exploded

  66.The ”paramedics“ mentioned in the fifth paragraph are probably _____.

  A.firefighters B.medical workers

  C.policemen D.airport staff

  67.Which is the best title of the story?

  A.The injured couple in plane crash B.Student turns hero in plane crash

  C.Electrical system fails leading to crash D.Baker saves couple from plane crash


  How active you‘are early in life may affect how able-minded you are late in life.That was the finding of a new study of cognitive impairment (认知障碍), or a loss in mental abilities.

  The study led by Laura Middleton of the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center in Canada involved more than 9,000 women in the United States over the age of 65.They answered questions about their level of physical activity as teenagers and at age 30, 50 and late in life.

  ”People who were physically active on a regular basis had lower risk of cognitive impairments in later life.But it seemed that teenage physical activity was particularly important in terms of the prevention of cognitive impairments,“ Laura said.

  She noted two long-lasting effects that physical activity can have on teenagers.Exercise could help strengthen the blood vessels that carry blood and oxygen to the brain.Also, physical activity is known to improve the brain’s ability to repair itself.

  Women who said they were physically active even once a week showed less cognitive impairment as measured by a test.There was not a strong link between the amount of physical activity and the extent of impairment.But the link was strongest among those who were active as teenagers.

  Laura Middleton says other studies of exercise and cognitive skills have found a stronger link in women than in men.Still, she says, there is no reason to suggest that the finding about teenage physical activity should not apply to men as well.

  68.How does teenage physical activity affect their later life?

  A.It can thicken blood vessels.

  B.It can keep teenagers full of energy.

  C.It can make the brain better fix itself.

  D.It can have long-lasting effect on their emotions.

  69.In Laura‘s opinion, _____.

  A.men have a higher risk of cognitive impairment than women

  B.old people should take mental exercise to prevent cognitive impairment

  C.whether to take exercise doesn’t affect one‘s cognitive skills

  D.the finding about teenage physical activity possibly applies to men

  70.The text was written mainly to tell us _____.
