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2013-04-30 18:45 来源:范文站 人气(0) 范文站fanwenzhan.comRSS订阅 


  来源:3773.高考网 2013-4-30 11:55:42




  ――Hi David. I heard you‘re looking for a new job.

  ——Yeah. 51 ______

  ----Oh. 52____

  ------I think 1 did well, They said they would make a decision by this l:riday.

  ——This Friday? 53______

  -------Yeah! I think so ,too.


  -------I believe I have a very good chance. The director seems lo like me.

  ——55 ______

  -------Thanks. I hope it helps.

  A. Well ,good luck. then.

  B. How did you find it?

  C. I just had an interview yesterday.

  D. What are your chances of getting that job?

  E. How did it go?

  F I think you will face some new challenges.

  G. Looks like they want to hire the person .as quickly as possible




  阅读下面短文并回答问题,然后将答案写到答题卡相应的位置上(请注意问 题后的词数要求)

  Lacrosse, invented by the Native Americans, is a popular team sport in North America and a national summer sport for Canada. It involves the use of nets, or ”heads” as they are called, which consist of a wooden or metal stick with a net on the end. Hockey is a game based on this sport.

  The name “lacrosse” was named by the French settlers ,with “Crosse” meaning curved stick. Lacrosse played a more serious role in Indian culture than anywhere else. Lacrosse was not a very well known sport until the late nineteenth century. It was mostly a boy’s game until a few years ago, and now it is played by both boys and girls.

  There were about three different forms of lacrosse based on the different tribes or places of how they played it. One of the ways still played today is called double stick; you play by using a two and a half foot stick in each hand and tossing a deer skin ball in between the two sticks.

  Like many other ball games ,there are two teams in Lacrosse ,each with ten players. There is one goalie, three defensemen, three midfielders and three attackmen 。 The goalies defend the goals, and if the ball goes into the goal, the team who got the goal scores. Whoever scores the most goals by the end of the game wins, with an overtime period being played if the game is tied. The game has four quarters and starts with a “faceoff “at the beginning of each quarter. A faceoff is when the ball is on the ground to start the game ,and one person from each team fights for the bail.

  56. Who invented the game Lacrosse? (no more than 3 words)
