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初中英语作文:The Chinese new year

2013-05-14 16:43 来源:范文站 人气(0) 范文站fanwenzhan.comRSS订阅 

  I like the Chinese new year better than any other festival. This is a time especially for rest and joy. I need not study. I wear good clothes and eat good food. I have a good time from morning till night. To be frank with you, I am as happy as a king.

  The Chinese new year lasts as long as fifteen days. It gives us more pleasure than we have imagined. After that we have to(比用must来得好)resume our normal work.

范文站寄语作者笔下的《春节(The Chinese new year)》是一个符合所有孩子对于春节的认识和期待——好吃的、好玩的,穿新衣、玩游戏,没有作业没有唠叨,“I am as happy as a king.”新年马上就要来了,你笔下的新年春节又会是什么样的呢?记得投稿和大家分享~~
