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2013-04-30 18:14 来源:范文站 人气(0) 范文站fanwenzhan.comRSS订阅 

  B.physical activity in teens is linked to mental skills late in life

  C.how to prevent cognitive impairment late in life

  D.women are more likely to suffer from cognitive impairment



  How to develop a positive attitude

  Perhaps you have heard somebody say this before,‘‘Attitude is everything.” It’s quite true indeed.It gives you many benefits in life.It makes you feel happier, have more energy and attract more positive people in your life. 71

  Here are some tips on how to develop a positive attitude:

  72 Don’t hold on to your past or wish you could have this or that. Appreciate what you have now. Express thanks for everything you have now. Once you have accepted that, you can become more positive and appreciative of life. You will do and live your best in your present moment. Only then can you move forward in life with a positive attitude.

  Associate more with positive people. I‘m sure you have heard this saying: ” Birds of a feather flock (聚集) together.“ If you stay with negative people, you will become negative. 73 You will become more positive as well.

  Learn to give praise to others. You don’t need to do this by design. 74 A few kind words spoken to another person can really make his or her day pleasant. Doing so will make you more likable as well.

  Smile and say THANK YOU more. Wherever you are and whatever you do, look for

  opportunities to offer sincere appreciation to your friends, family members, peers, team

  members, bosses or any other people you communicate with every day. Smiling and saying

  THANK YOU more often can not only make you feel good but also cause those around you to

  become more positive.

  75 A positive attitude will give you more happiness in life.

  A. Following these steps, you‘ll develop a positive attitude gradually.

  B. Just do it m a natural way by focusing on the positive side of other people.

  C. Learn to live fully in your present moment.

  D. Your attitude can decide whether others are willing to follow you.

  E. It can also build your health as positive energy helps reduce your stress.

  F. Many sayings show the importance of a positive attitude.

  G. On the other hand, if you stay with more positive people, they can also influence your characters and attitudes.


  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

