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2013-05-24 15:01 来源:范文站 人气(0) 范文站fanwenzhan.comRSS订阅 

  But I decided it’s 100 per cent commitment from here on in, get fit and get ready for next year.

  It was a huge decision to make overnight. A lot of thought went into it, I didn’t get much sleep. I came down this morning, had a relatively good race, got through and realized that this is where I want to be.

  Next year is the one and I am only going to do it if I really want to do it, and if I have one inkling (暗示) over the next couple of weeks it’s not right for me then I will quit. I talked to my couch Martyn Wilby a couple of times. I talked to him this morning.

  He said to me, ‘If you come to me and say you’re not sure you want to swim then that’s it, you’re done. You can only do this sport if you are 100 percent invested and this year hasn’t been 100 percent for me.’”


  1. 以约30词概括以上短文的主要内容;

  2. 然后以约120词就“全力以赴,才能成功”这一话题发表你的看法,内容包括:

  (1) 原文给你的启示;

  (2) 以自己或他人的事例说明如果我们不全力以赴,是很难取得最后的成功的。


  1. 作文中可以使用亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

  2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。





  1—5 BCADD 6—10 ABCDB 11—15 ABCDA

  16. to be held 17. enriched 18. unexpectedly 19. in 20. but

  21. whatever 22. That/ which 23. it 24. have wasted 25. an

  26—30 CDDDA 31—35 DBBBC 36—40 ADCCD 41—45 CDBAD 46—50 ECBAD


  One possible version:

  Microblog, a kind of online diary, covers a wide variety of topics ranging from small dally incidents to major global events. It provides the regularly updated information which is open to the public with very brief contents, usually within 140 words. As a new way of communication, microblog definitely has some positive influence on our life because it makes it convenient for people to express their feelings or opinions and exchange them with others. Besides, it enables news and messages to spread more quickly and widely than ever before. On the other hand, it also affects our life negatively because it is possible for people to give away their privacy or other significant personal information and some misleading information prevents the public from telling the right from wrong.


  One possible version:

  Due to sad experience at home and in her health, Gemma Spottorth felt unsure about herself, and intended to quit. Finally with the encouragement of her coach, she decided to make every effort to compete in the coming 2012 Olympics.
