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3. joint venture shall, if possible, develop new varieties of licensed product in order to keep up with market developments both in the host country and in the world.
第四条 资本结构
article 4 capital structure
1. the registered capital of joint venture shall be _________(amount of capital), of which half (50%) will be contributed by each party.
2. party a's contributions include
(1) buildings and premises:_________(value);
(2) domestically-made equipment:_________(value);
(3) cash:_________;
(4) the site of joint venture:_________(value).
3. party b's contributions include
(1) cash:_________;
(2) sophisticated equipment:_________(value);
(3) industrial property _________(value).
(4)party b shall present to party a the relevant documentation on the industrial property including photocopies of the patent certificates and trademark registration certificates, statements of validity, their technical characteristics, practical value, the basis for calculating the price, etc.
4. each party to joint venture shall pay in its contributions before _________(time limit). any delay in payment will be subject to a payment of interest or a compensation for the loss occurred therein.