范文站 > 合同范文 > 承包合同 > 民用工程合同书(17)


2011-09-18 15:14 来源:范文站 人气(0) 范文站fanwenzhan.comRSS订阅 

  the contractor undertakes to provide all labor, including supervision thereof, materials, tools, construction, plant and equipment necessary for the performance and completion of the work in accordance with the terms, conditions and requirements of the documents set forth in 2.
2 contract documents
  the following documents shall be deemed to form and beread and construed as part of this contract, viz:
  1. instruction to tenderers;
  2. special conditions (if any);
  3. specifications;
  4. drawings, etc.
3 performance security
  on the date of signing the contract the contractor has furnished_________in the amount of _________on deposit with the employer as the performance security.the said security shall be released after the expiry of the specified warranty and/or maintenance period and the contractor shall maintain the validity of the security accordingly. in case duties and responsibilities of the contractor are extended beyond the specified completion period for any reason whatsoever, the contractor shall likewise extend the security to cover such extended period.
4 value of work and completion time + the employer agrees to pay for the cost of work and the contractor agrees to accept the cost of work done for a total cost of______________on the basis of unit cost of the work specified in the bill of quantities or such other sums as may be ascertained under the conditions of the contract.
  the contract shall be completed by
5 assignment and sub - letting
  the contractor shall not assign the contract or any partthereof, or any benefit or interest therein or thereunder without the prior written consent of the employer.
  the contractor shall not sublet the whole of works. except where otherwise provided by the contract, the contractor shall not sublet any part of the works without the prior written consent of the employer. such consent, if given, shall not relieve the contractor from any liability or obligation under the contractand he shall be responsible for the defaults and neglects of any subcontractor, his agents or workmen.