范文站 > 合同范文 > 承包合同 > 民用工程合同书(42)


2011-09-18 15:14 来源:范文站 人气(0) 范文站fanwenzhan.comRSS订阅 

40 language
  all notices, instructions, correspondence or any other written documentation concerning the contract between the government agency of the employer and the contractor shall be in english and/or cheesic.
41 laws to be observed
  in connection with the performance of work under the contract, the employer, its representative, personnel, technicians or dependents of the contractor shall observe and comply with the parcheesian law.
  this contract is made in two indentical counterparts in english of which both the employer and the contractor after thorough undertaking have hereunto signed their names with seal affixed (if any), in the presence of witnesses. each party holds one copy.
employee(signed):_________      contractor(signed):_________
date:_________             date:_________
